At Six Flags Great America last night:

Professor Jacobson has come over from the dark side (blogger) and has his own domain and a WordPress installation. Yay!
Beautiful new site Professor!
He is now located at:
I have the new location linked in my Daily Reads blogroll.
I was born on Fathers’ Day and every six or eleven years my birthday falls on Fathers’ Day again. It will next year.
It was the Queen’s Birthday a few years ago (the date the UK celebrates, not her actual birthday which is in April).
I share my birthday with MC Escher, Newt Gingrich, Mohammed El Baeredai, the former Mayor of London Ken Livingstone, Erin and Diane Murphy (Tabitha Stephens from Bewitched), Venus Williams, Barry Manilow, Greg Kinnear, Jason Patric, Thomas Hayden Church, Bobby Farrelly, Mark Linn Baker, Ralph Bellamy, Joe Piscopo, Kimber Eastwood (Clint’s daughter), James Shigeta, George Clinton, Kami Cotler (the Waltons – Goodnight Elizabeth), Will Forte (SNL), and more.
I also share my birthday with Twitter friends @onefinejay and @littlebytesnews!
These don’t last long, but they are beautiful while they last.
Sixty-seven years ago today.
There’s a great video and slideshow at the Army’s website here.
June 6, 1944, 160,000 Allied troops landed along a 50-mile stretch of heavily-fortified French coastline to fight Nazi Germany on the beaches of Normandy, France. General Dwight D. Eisenhower called the operation a crusade in which “we will accept nothing less than full victory.” More than 5,000 Ships and 13,000 aircraft supported the D-Day invasion, and by day’s end on June 6, the Allies gained a foot- hold in Normandy. The D-Day cost was high -more than 9,000 Allied Soldiers were killed or wounded — but more than 100,000 Soldiers began the march across Europe to defeat Hitler.
Here is one of eight downloadable wartime posters available there.
We remember all those service members who sacrificed their lives while in service to our country.
We commend them.
At least Google did do something…
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Dane County Judge Strikes Down Collective Bargaining Law
Ann Althouse: Judge Sumi strikes down the Wisconsin collective bargaining law.
Professor Jacobson: Judge Sumi Throws Out Wisconsin Collective Bargaining Law
The Ruling (.pdf) Dane Co. Exec. Parisi: Statement on Judge Sumi Ruling nullifying collective bargaining changes
Adler at Volokh: Wisconsin Collective Bargaining Bill Struck Down
Big Government: Liberal Judge Nixes Wisconsin’s New Labor Law
More from – SEIU Wisconsin: Palmer on Judge Sumi’s Ruling
Court Concurs with Public’s View That Walker Was Too Autocratic, Illegally Denied Wisconsinites a Voice in Debate over Workers’ Rights
After months of occupying the state Capitol Wisconsinites were denied “a voice in Debate over Workers’ Rights?” Really?
Actually seems more like Court concurs with Unions’ View…
Hot Air: Breaking: Judge Sumi strikes down Walker PEU reform law
Scotty or Lauren?
Lauren or Scotty?
After the break to avoid spoilers:
So, who do you think will be the final two on Idol this season?
Will it be the two younger, country singers Lauren and Scotty?
Will it be deep voiced Scotty and smoky Haley?
Or will it be the girls, Haley and Lauren?